Network issues

So I've been working on a local network issue for a couple weeks now.  First noticed it with local plex server issues (slow server, server not found, etc).  I began looking at a number of things including my eth over power trunk to my servers.  I also did work on the actual server itself and most likely began to introduce problems as I had multiple cards some connected and some not with the same IP.  I get proper ping rates when only one card is enabled since I only have one card wired at a time for testing.  I also feel that pantheon running over Lubuntu is causing minor slow downs to the main computer.  I have replaced the network switch and eth over power trunk equipment.  Local network speeds are increasing after those changes.  Internet speeds have always remained consistent and fast.

Server is on a static IP the router had the incorrect MAC address now corrected and problem still persists.  Multiple machines are sluggish to pull web pages at times even though download speed tests stay consistently high.

Keep receiving br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address suspect this is causing the local network packet loss to the server.  Shutting down the Plex server for a couple days to evaluate the network, clearing the logs.

Only 1 minute with the Plex server down and already streaming kernel: br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address errors

Bringing down server 2 evaluating for errors

Still receiving errors....

Configuring DHCP range out of Static assignment range

Still receiving error... br0: received packet on vlan1 with own address as source address

Old error and now new error after all three wired computers shut down:

kernel: MtPsWatchDog(): HIT PsmPktCount/Dur: 0/1 on Wcid 4 (SW_PSM:[0|0])

It seems as though only the wired computers are effected as the wireless devices have not experienced slow downs yet.  Suspect the router is at fault.

Servers are interacting properly with the laptops on the WiFi.  Wired to wired slows on local and wide area networks.


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