Here's one I'm still learning about yet is very critical to the Ubuntu enviornment, CUPS. CUPS has to deal with Ubuntu's ability to print, to my best understanding anyway. I noticed that my printers were not plug and play compatible (Canon MP470 & MX300) which is going to be a big deal for the lay user. I first looked to install CUPS to remedy the issue, installed it, and still had trouble. I did some more searching on my issue and came across a very important site.

This is a listing of tested and compatible printers with Linux. It is categorized from flawless printer operation to paperweight. I found that my printers were in the untested to paperweight category. I was tempted to be disappointed until I remembered that another OS develeper released a new revision and any software incompatibilities that arose were deemed the trouble of the 3rd party vendor. This is another reason I love the Ubuntu way, no one plays the blame game they work together to resolve the issue. So needless to say I am not replacing my printers just yet so i'll be hanging on to multiple OS's. But I can say I'll check the list twice ( next time I do.


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