John the Ripper Options

$ john -wordlist:password.lst passfile.txt
Loaded 2 passwords with 2 different salts (FreeBSD MD5 [32/64])
admin       (root)
t-bone      (khess)
guesses: 2  time: 0:00:00:00 100%  c/s: 4408  trying: t-bone

Finally, the brute force attack might be your only refuge if passwords are more complex. The sub-modes allow you to specify which type of algorithms to use for the attack.
Your choices are:
• alpha – Letters only.
• digits – Numbers only.
• lanman – Letters, numbers, and some special characters.
• all – All possible characters.
You can check on John’s progress during a crack attempt by pressing the space bar to view the elapsed time, combinations per second, and most recent combinations.
This example brute force incremental attack shows three checks during an ongoing crack session:
$ john -incremental:lanman passfile.txt
Loaded 2 passwords with 2 different salts (FreeBSD MD5 [32/64])
guesses: 0  time: 1:04:04:08 (3)  c/s: 10927  trying: gmugoky - gmugok2
guesses: 0  time: 1:09:25:10 (3)  c/s: 10929  trying: SAgof2 - SAgofs
guesses: 0  time: 1:10:21:23 (3)  c/s: 10930  trying: topoua b - topoua f


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