I'm not going to lie, the advanced desktop effects for Linux are what got me interested in Ubuntu. When Vista was kicking out their main promotions I recall seeing something similar with their OS. However my first experiences with Vista left me less than impressed with the amount of resources consumed forget trying to do any of the fancy visual stuff so when I saw Ubuntu I was intrigued. Shortly after the 237 updates I promptly installed advanced desktop effects.

sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager

This install allowed me to configure my desktop to match what I was seeing out there on the Youtube posts and the Ubuntu forums. I did the cube, the transparent windows, and the min/max window effects. It looked good and worked great, up until the time I started cranking my media player or screen recorder. I saw different instabilities creep up with all of the things I was doing with ADE (advance desktop effects). I know this was problem because I deactivated ADE and everything worked like normal.

I was still impressed with the OS, I was doing quite a bit with ADE on my 1.1 Duron with 2GB of memory and Nvidia card. I was using old hardware and Ubuntu still runs very effectively on my system. I got awesome results from a 4 year old computer (single core 1.1) and have full confidence that it would run with fantastic results on a faster machine. Look to fully test it after working it on my older duron.


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