Ok well if you've got a home network or other windows shares, like me, when you converted over to Linux you would probably like to access them from your new machine, especially if you have common storage drives for media and critical files. So I did a little bit of research and found Samba. To keep it simple, Samba runs the same protocols as the windows machines do to share files, it abides by the same authentication schemes, and allows users to transparently access windows shares from their Linux machine. So I decided to install it.

open a terminal window
sudo apt-get install samba

This is one of the reasons I love Linux. The repositories and the CMD line installs. While I know this doesn't help the average XP user, it sure does simplify things.

Once Samba is installed your Windows shares should be visible in Places -> Network. Click on the serving machine, then click on the drive (it will automatically mount for the current session). A little scripting may be needed to automatically mount on a reboot.

I think Samba is a very necessary component of any Linux machine plugged into a windows network.


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